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Dependency Injection: Basics

Learn about how to leverage Aurelia's dependency injection container, the power behind all object creation in Aurelia applications.


When building applications, it's often necessary to take a "divide and conquer" approach by breaking down complex problems into a series of simpler problems. In an object-oriented world, this translates to breaking down complex objects into a series of smaller objects, each focusing on a single concern, and collaborating with the others to form a complex system and model its behavior.

A dependency injection container is a tool that can simplify the process of decomposing such a system. Often times, when developers go through the work of destructuring a system, they introduce a new complexity of "re-assembling" the smaller parts again at runtime. This is what a dependency injection container can do for you, using simple declarative hints.


Let's say we have a CustomerEditScreen that needs to load a Customer entity by ID from a web service. We wouldn't want to place all the details of our AJAX implementation inside our CustomerEditScreen class. Instead, we would want to factor that into a CustomerService class that our CustomerEditScreen, or any other class, can use when it needs to load a Customer. Aurelia's dependency injection container lets you accomplish this by declaring that the CustomerEditScreen needs to have a CustomerService injected at creation time.

The mechanism for declaring a class's dependencies depends on the language you have chosen to author your application with. Typically, you would use Decorators, an ES Next feature supported by both Babel and TypeScript. Here's what it looks like to declare that the CustomerEditScreen needs a CustomerService:

  import {CustomerService} from 'backend/customer-service';
  import {inject} from 'aurelia-framework';
  export class CustomerEditScreen {
    constructor(customerService) {
      this.customerService = customerService;
      this.customer = null;
    activate(params) {
      return this.customerService.getCustomerById(params.customerId)
        .then(customer => this.customer = customer);
  import {CustomerService} from 'backend/customer-service';
  import {inject} from 'aurelia-framework';
  export class CustomerEditScreen {
    constructor(private customerService: CustomerService) {
      this.customer = null;
    activate(params) {
      return this.customerService.getCustomerById(params.customerId)
        .then(customer => this.customer = customer);

Notice that we use the inject decorator and that the constructor signature matches the list of dependencies in the inject decorator. This tells the DI that any time it wants to create an instance of CustomerEditScreen it must first obtain an instance of CustomerService which it can inject into the constructor of CustomerEditScreen during instantiation. You can have as many injected dependencies as you need. Simply ensure that the inject decorator and the constructor match one another, including the order of the dependencies. Here's a quick example of multiple dependencies:

  import {CustomerService} from 'backend/customer-service';
  import {CommonDialogs} from 'resources/dialogs/common-dialogs';
  import {EventAggregator} from 'aurelia-event-aggregator';
  import {inject} from 'aurelia-framework';
  @inject(CustomerService, CommonDialogs, EventAggregator)
  export class CustomerEditScreen {
    constructor(customerService, dialogs, ea) {
      this.customerService = customerService;
      this.dialogs = dialogs;
      this.ea = ea;
      this.customer = null;
    activate(params) {
      return this.customerService.getCustomerById(params.customerId)
        .then(customer => this.customer = customer)
        .then(customer => this.ea.publish('edit:begin', customer));
  import {CustomerService} from 'backend/customer-service';
  import {CommonDialogs} from 'resources/dialogs/common-dialogs';
  import {EventAggregator} from 'aurelia-event-aggregator';
  import {inject} from 'aurelia-framework';
  @inject(CustomerService, CommonDialogs, EventAggregator)
  export class CustomerEditScreen {
    constructor(private customerService: CustomerService, private dialogs: CommonDialogs, private ea: EventAggregator) {
      this.customer = null;
    activate(params) {
      return this.customerService.getCustomerById(params.customerId)
        .then(customer => this.customer = customer)
        .then(customer => this.ea.publish('edit', customer));

To use Decorators in Babel, you need the babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy plugin. To use them in TypeScript, you need to add the "experimentalDecorators": true setting to the compilerOptions section of your tsconfig.json file. Aurelia projects typically come with these options pre-configured.

If you are using TypeScript, you can take advantage of an experimental feature of the language to have the TypeScript transpiler automatically provide Type information to Aurelia's DI. You can do this by configuring the TypeScript compiler with the "emitDecoratorMetadata": true option in the compilerOptions section of your tsconfig.json file. If you do this, you don't need to duplicate the type information with inject, instead, as long as your constructor definition contains its parameters' types, you can use Aurelia's autoinject decorator like this:

  import {CustomerService} from 'backend/customer-service';
  import {CommonDialogs} from 'resources/dialogs/common-dialogs';
  import {EventAggregator} from 'aurelia-event-aggregator';
  import {autoinject} from 'aurelia-framework';
  export class CustomerEditScreen {
    constructor(private customerService: CustomerService, private dialogs: CommonDialogs, private ea: EventAggregator) {
      this.customer = null;
    activate(params) {
      return this.customerService.getCustomerById(params.customerId)
        .then(customer => this.customer = customer)
        .then(customer => this.ea.publish('edit', customer));

Interestingly, you don't need to use our autoinject decorator at all to get the above to work. The TypeScript compiler will emit the type metadata if any decorator is added to the class. Aurelia can read this metadata regardless of what decorator triggers TypeScript to add it. We simply provide the autoinject decorator for consistency and clarity.

If you aren't using Babel's or TypeScript's decorator support (or don't want to), you can easily provide inject metadata using a simple static method or property on your class:

  import {CustomerService} from 'backend/customer-service';
  import {CommonDialogs} from 'resources/dialogs/common-dialogs';
  import {EventAggregator} from 'aurelia-event-aggregator';
  export class CustomerEditScreen {
    static inject = [CustomerService, CommonDialogs, EventAggregator];
    constructor(customerService, dialogs, ea) {
      this.customerService = customerService;
      this.dialogs = dialogs;
      this.ea = ea;
      this.customer = null;
    activate(params) {
      return this.customerService.getCustomerById(params.customerId)
        .then(customer => this.customer = customer)
        .then(customer => this.ea.publish('edit:begin', customer));
  import {CustomerService} from 'backend/customer-service';
  import {CommonDialogs} from 'resources/dialogs/common-dialogs';
  import {EventAggregator} from 'aurelia-event-aggregator';
  export class CustomerEditScreen {
    static inject = [CustomerService, CommonDialogs, EventAggregator];
      private customerService: CustomerService,
      private dialogs: CommonDialogs,
      private ea: EventAggregator
    ) {
      this.customer = null;
    activate(params: any) {
      return this.customerService.getCustomerById(params.customerId)
        .then(customer => this.customer = customer)
        .then(customer => this.ea.publish('edit:begin', customer));

In addition to a static inject method, a static inject property is also supported. In fact, the inject decorator simply sets the static property automatically. It's just syntax sugar. If you wanted to use decorators, but didn't want to use Aurelia's decorator, you could even create your own to set this same property.

The nice thing about dependency injection is that it works in a recursive fashion. For example, if class A depends on class B, and class B depends on classes C and D, and class D depends on E, F and G, then creating class A will result in the resolution of all the classes in the hierarchy that are needed.

Object Lifetime, Child Containers and Default Behavior

Each object created by the dependency injection container has a "lifetime". There are three lifetime behaviors that are typical:

  • Container Singleton - A singleton class, A, is instantiated when it is first needed by the DI container. The container then holds a reference to class A's instance so that even if no other objects reference it, the container will keep it in memory. When any other class needs to inject A, the container will return the exact same instance. Thus, the instance of A has its lifetime connected to the container instance. It will not be garbage collected until the container itself is disposed and no other classes hold a reference to it.
  • Application Singleton - In Aurelia, it's possible to have child DI containers created from parent containers. Each of these child containers inherits the services of the parent, but can override them with their own registrations. Every application has a root DI container from which all classes and child containers are created. An application singleton is just like a container singleton, except that the instance is referenced by the root DI container in the application. This means that the root and all child containers will return the same singleton instance, provided that a child container doesn't explicitly override it with its own registration.
  • Transient - Any DI container can create transient instances. These instances are created each time they are needed. The container holds no references to them and always creates a new instance for each request.

Any class can be registered in a container as singleton or transient (or custom). We'll look at explicit configuration in the next section. Most classes in your application, however, are auto-registered by Aurelia. That is, there is no upfront configuration, but when an instance of class A is first needed, it is registered automatically at that point in time and then immediately resolved to an instance. What does this process look like? Let's look at a couple of examples to see how things work in practice.

Example 1 - Root Container Resolution

Imagine that we have a single instance of Container called root. If a developer (or Aurelia) invokes root.get(A) to resolve an instance of A, the root will first check to see if it has a Resolver for A. If one is found, the Resolver is used to get the instance, which is then returned to the developer. If one is not found, the container will auto-register a Resolver for A. This resolver is configured with a singleton lifetime behavior. Immediately after auto-registration, the Resolver is used to get the instance of A which is returned to the developer. Subsequent calls to root.get(A) will now immediately find a Resolver for A which will return the singleton instance.

Example 2 - Child Container Resolution

Now, imagine that we have a Container named root and we call root.createChild() to create a child container named child. Then, we invoke child.get(A) to resolve an instance of A. What will happen? First, child checks for a Resolver for A. If none is found, then it calls get(A) on its parent which is the root container from which it was created. root then checks to see if it has a Resolver. If not, it auto-registers A in root and then immediately calls the Resolver to get an instance of A.

Example 3 - Child Container Resolution with Override

Let's start with an instance of Container named root. We will then call root.createChild() to create a child container named child. Next we will call child.createChild() to create a grandchild container from it named grandchild. Finally, we'll call child.registerSingleton(A, A). What happens when we call grandchild.get(A)? First, grandchild checks for a Resolver. Since it doesn't find one, it delegates to its parent which is the child from which it was created. child then checks for a Resolver. Since child.registerSingleton(A, A) was called on child this means that child will have a Resolver for A. At this point child's resolver is used to get an instance of A which is returned to the developer.

As you can see from these examples, the Container basically walks its hierarchy until it either finds a Resolver or reaches the root. If no Resolver is found in the root, it auto-registers the class as a singleton in the root. This means that all auto-registered classes are application-wide singletons, unless they are overriden by a child container.

How Aurelia Uses Containers

Aurelia makes extensive use of DI throughout the framework. All view-models, components, services, etc. are created with DI. Aurelia also makes heavy use of child containers. The key to understanding the lifetime of your objects is in knowing how Aurelia uses child containers.

There are basically three cases where child containers get created and used by Aurelia, all essentially having to do with components.

Custom Elements and Custom Attributes

When Aurelia creates a View, that view may contain occurrences of custom elements and custom attributes. Any time an HTML element is found to either be a custom element or have custom attributes, Aurelia creates a child container for that element, parented to the closest custom element container (or the view itself). It then manually registers the elements/attributes in the child container as singletons. This ensures that the elements and attributes aren't singletons at the application level or even the view level, which would not make sense. Instead, they are scoped to their location in the DOM. As a result of this, the HTML behaviors have access to classes registered above them in the DOM and on the same element. Likewise, they can be injected into classes that are created through their child element containers.

Aurelia does not create child containers when there are plain HTML elements, or elements with only binding expressions, value converters, etc. It only creates them when the element itself is a custom element or if the element has custom attributes.

Despite that fact that the child container hierarchy is present in the DOM, you should be very wary of creating structural coupling between components in this way. The child container mechanism primarily exists to provide override services needed by custom elements and attributes such as Element/DOM.Element, BoundViewFactory, ViewSlot, ElementEvents/DOM.Events, ViewResources and TargetInstruction.

Routed Components

Each time the Router navigates to a screen, it creates a child container to encapsulate all the resources related to that navigation event and then auto-registers the screen's view-model in that child container. As you know, auto-registration, by default, results in the view-model being registered as a singleton. However, it is possible to override this with explicit configuration, unlike custom elements and custom attributes, which are always container singletons.

Dynamic Components

Dynamic composition, whether through the <compose> element or through the CompositionEngine, also creates child containers with auto-registration behavior, just like the Router. In fact, the RouteLoader simply calls the CompositionEngine internally to do the heavy lifting.

The General Rule for Aurelia's DI Use

Everything is an application-level singleton except for those things which are classified as "components", essentially custom elements, custom attributes and view-models created through the router or composition engine. You can change the lifetime of router and composition created components through explicit configuration.

Explicit Configuration

For the most part, Aurelia's DI will do what you want with object lifetime. However, you may desire to change the behavior of individual classes for the specific needs of your application. This is easy to do by either directly using the Container API or by decorating your class with a Registration.

The Container Registration API

The usual way to configure a class's lifetime is to use the Container API directly. Typically, you will want to do this configuration up-front in your application's main configure method. The Aurelia instance that is provided during configuration has a container property which points to the root DI container for your application. Recall that any Resolver configured at the application root will apply unless a child container has explicitly overriden the behavior.

Here's a survey of the registration APIs you have available through a Container instance:

  • container.registerSingleton(key: any, fn?: Function): void - This method allows you to register a class as a singleton. This is the default, as discussed above, so there's rarely a reason to call this method. It is provided in the API for completeness. When calling, provide the key that will be used to look up the singleton and the class which should be used. It's common for the key and class to be the same. If they are the same, then only the key needs to be provided. Here are some examples:
    • container.registerSingleton(History, BrowserHistory);
    • container.registerSingleton(HttpClient);
  • container.registerTransient(key: any, fn?: Function): void - This method allows you to register a class as transient. This means that every time the container is asked for the key, it will return a brand new instance of the class. As with the singleton behavior, the key is requried but the class is optional. If left off, the key will be treated as the class to be instantiated. Here's an example of using transient registration:
    • container.registerTransient(LinkHandler, DefaultLinkHandler);
  • container.registerInstance(key: any, instance?: any): void - If you already have an existing instance, you can add that to the container with this method. You just need to pick a key that the instance will be retrievable by. If no key is provided then the key becomes the instance.
  • container.registerHandler(key: any, handler: (container?: Container, key?: any, resolver?: Resolver) => any): void - In addition to simply declaring behaviors, you can also provide a custom function (a handler) that will respond any time the container is queried for the key. This custom handler has access to the container instance, the key and the internal resolver which stores the handler. This enables just about any sort of custom lifetime to be implemented by supplying a custom function. Here's an example:
    • container.registerHandler('Foo', () => new Bar());
  • container.registerResolver(key: any, resolver: Resolver): void - You can also register a custom Resolver instance for the key. Under the hood, all previously discussed methods translate to using a built-in Resolver instance. However, you can always supply your own. We'll discuss this in more detail in the DI customization article.
  • container.autoRegister(fn: any, key?: any): Resolver - As you know, if a container can't find a registration during its resolution stage, it will auto-register the requested type. That is done internally through the use of autoRegister. However, you can use it yourself to auto-register a type with a particular container instance. By default, this will result in a singleton registration, on the container this API is called on. However, if the type has registration decorators, that could provide an alternate registration. Whatever Resolver is established during auto-registration will be returned.

Registration Keys

All registration APIs take a key. This key is typically the class itself (for convenience). However, the key can be any type, including strings and objects. This is possible because Aurelia's DI implementation uses a Map object to correlate a key to a Resolver. When using class-oriented registration APIs, if the key is not a class, you must provide the class to be created as the second argument to the API call.

Registration Decorators

As an alternative to explicitly registering types with the container, you can rely on auto-registration, but specify the auto-registration behavior you desire, overriding the default container-root-singleton behavior. To provide auto-registration behavior, you simply decorate your type with an auto-registration decorator. What follows is a basic explanation of built-in registration decorators:

  • transient() - Simply decorate your class with transient() and when it's requested from the container, a new instance will be created for each request.
  • singleton(overrideChild?:boolean) - Normally, types are auto-registered as singletons in the root container. So, why do we provide this decorator? This decorator allows you to specify true as an argument to indicate that the singleton should be registered not in the root container, but in the immediate container to which the initial request was issued.
  • registration(registration: Registration) - In addition to the built-in singleton and transient registrations, you can create your own and associate it with a class. We'll discuss this in more detail in the DI customization article.

Registration Decorator Usage

At present, the Decorators spec allows for decorators to use parens or not depending on whether or not the decorator requires arguments. This means that decorator invocation is dependent on how the decorator was implemented internally, which can be confusing from time to time. As a result of the way that the registration decorators are implemented, you must use them with parens.


As mentioned above, the DI container uses Resolvers internally to provide all instances. When explicitly configuring the container, you are actually specifying what Resolver should be associated with a particular lookup key. However, there's a second way that resolvers are useful. Instead of supplying a key as part of the inject decorator, you can provide a Resolver instead. This resolver then communicates with the container to provide special resolution behavior, specific to the injection. Here's a list of the resolvers you can use in this capacity:

  • Lazy - Injects a function for lazily evaluating the dependency.
    • ex. Lazy.of(HttpClient)
  • All - Injects an array of all services registered with the provided key.
    • ex. All.of(Plugin)
  • Optional - Injects an instance of a class only if it already exists in the container; null otherwise.
    • ex. Optional.of(LoggedInUser)
  • Parent - Skips starting dependency resolution from the current container and instead begins the lookup process on the parent container.
    • ex. Parent.of(MyCustomElement)
  • Factory - Used to allow injecting dependencies, but also passing data to the constructor.
    • ex. Factory.of(CustomClass)
  • NewInstance - Used to inject a new instance of a dependency, without regard for existing instances in the container.
    • ex. NewInstance.of(CustomClass).as(Another)

If using TypeScript, keep in mind that @autoinject won't allow you to use Resolvers. Instead, you may use argument decorators, without duplicating argument order, which you otherwise have to maintain when using the class decorator or the static inject property. You also can use inject as argument decorator for your own custom resolvers, eg constructor(@inject(NewInstance.of(HttpClient)) public client: HttpClient){...}. Available build-in function parameter decorators are:

  • lazy(key)
  • all(key)
  • optional(checkParent?)
  • parent
  • factory(key)
  • newInstance(asKey?, dynamicDependencies: [any])

Here's an example of how we might express a dependency on HttpClient that we may or may not actually need to use, depending on runtime scenarios:

  import {Lazy, inject} from 'aurelia-framework';
  import {HttpClient} from 'aurelia-fetch-client';
  export class CustomerDetail {
      this.getHTTP = getHTTP;
  import {lazy} from 'aurelia-framework';
  import {HttpClient} from 'aurelia-fetch-client';
  export class CustomerDetail {
    constructor(@lazy(HttpClient) private getHTTP: () => HttpClient){ }

In this case, the Lazy resolver doesn't actually provide an instance of HttpClient directly. Instead, it provides a function that can be invoked at some point in the future to obtain an instance of HttpClient if needed.