We've had a few new releases over the last few weeks. Among them are continued updates to the Aurelia CLI. In fact, we found an issue in the CLI that affected new Webpack projects, so be sure to update your CLI before starting anything new. More details concerning the various releases can be found below.
Minor Releases
Minor updates include new features, updates to bugs and performance improvements.
aurelia-templating-resources 1.8.0
- Add ability to turn off caching for if/else
aurelia-cli 1.0.0-beta.13
Bug Fixes
- jest: avoid aurelia-bindings v1+v2 conflict ( 7863c29 ), closes #906
- webpack: revert #970 to restore default webpack module resolution ( 3c4d0d6 ), closes #1037
Patch Releases
Patch updates include only fixes to bugs and performance improvements.
aurelia-bootstrapper 2.3.2
Bug Fixes
- avoid unnecessary pal loading when pal is already initialized ( 429c261 ), closes aurelia/cli#1019