Happy New Year! And with the new year, we've got new tools. Today we're excited to share a major upgrade to Aurelia's VS Code Extension.
With the latest version of Aurelia's VS Code Extension, you can now leverage enhanced view intelligence. Here are four features you can take advantage of today:
Binding Autocomplete
VS Code can now provide binding expression autocompletion inside HTML attributes and content. There's no more need to try to remember your data model or switch back and forth between files.
Element Autocomplete
VS Code can now autocomplete custom element names and their bindable properties in templates. With this update, there's no more need to remember element names. The extension will help you out by providing a completion list.
Goto Component Definition
When working inside a template, you can now jump to the code for custom elements used within that template.
Open Related Files
Are you working on components that span several files, such as JS, HTML, CSS, and tests? The Aurelia VS Code extension now provides a command to automatically open related files for a component. This works out of the box for people using TypeScript or JavaScript and can be configured using the setting "aurelia.relatedFiles" if you want a different setup. e.g. Using ASP.NET views '.aspx' instead of '.html'.
Along with the VS Code Extension release, we've had a number of additional fixes and improvements made to other Aurelia libraries recently. As usual, you can find the release notes below.
We're off to a great start for 2020! Stay tuned for even bigger announcements in the coming months :)
Minor Releases
Minor updates include new features, updates to bugs, and performance improvements.
VS Code Extension
- autocomplete: custom elements in view ( #111 ) ( 25b123f )
- relatedFiles: Add more open related files support ( #102 ) ( 1caecb9 )
- smartAutocomplete: Go to Definition ( #104 ) ( f49cea9 ) When the smartAutocomplete feature toggle is set to true you are able to use F12 goto definition in your view to jump to the code behind. For more information see https://github.com/aurelia/vscode-extension/pull/104
- smartAutocomplete: View data update on file change ( #103 ) ( 26dcb05 )
aurelia-cli 1.2.3
Bug Fixes
aurelia-cli 1.2.2
Bug Fixes
- webpack: deal with host option before webpack config ( fe322c6 )
- webpack: fix missing postcss in less/scss/styl processing ( c246d66 ), closes #1152
aurelia-cli 1.2.1
Bug Fixes
- Dockerfile: use aurelia-cli@1.2.0 ( ec9234b )
- Dockerfile: update aurelia-cli inside docker to support minor versions ^1.2.0 ( 57583fa )
aurelia-cli 1.2.0
Bug Fixes
- Dockerfile: better integration with cli-bundler & dotnet template ( 8fa9ee6 )
- linter: add .dockerignore file & fixed failed build due to linter ( 966f55f )
- linter: issues with linter ( 2a42ded )
- protractor: does not start app server when running in e2e:headless ( 61f3ada )
- protractor: to run application before e2e tests in headless mode ( 79c9585 )
- webpack: bring back au run --env prod ( eeebdc8 )
- docker: add Dockerfile && docker-compose file ( 4ed59ab )
- docker: add initila docker files & setup for the cli ( 9ea4c54 )
aurelia-dialog 2.0.0-rc.8
Bug Fixes
aurelia-dialog 2.0.0-rc.7
Bug Fixes
- renderers: don't store a reference to last active element if it ( 12a892d )
- keyboard: allow to configure keyevent type ( 1cfdd58 )
- renderers: add restoreFocus setting ( c5f4ad4 )
aurelia-validation 1.6.0
Bug Fixes
- all: update binding library and fix TS errors ( 33c91a1 )
- ExpressionVisitor: not redeclare imports ( 15109b3 ), closes #537
Patch Releases
Patch updates include only fixes to bugs and performance improvements.
aurelia-dependency-injection 1.5.2
Bug Fixes
- typings: dont use const enum ( 28bad61 )