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Webpack and the Aurelia CLI.


The Aurelia CLI fully supports Webpack. When you create a new project with au new, the default choice is Webpack for both ESNext and TypeScript application. This page is specifically for people using the Webpack bundler.

The Aurelia CLI will generate a webpack.config.js based on the technology that you select during au new. Like SASS more than LESS? Jest more than Karma? The Aurelia CLI can configure webpack.config.js just how you like it.

The generated project makes use of the aurelia-webpack-plugin. As opposed to the Aurelia CLI Bundler, the bundle configuration is in the webpack.config.js, and not in aurelia.json.

If you would like to learn more about Webpack, take a look at the following resources:

Webpack projects that are generated using the Aurelia-CLI require a relatively high version of Node.js (at least v8.9.0). Some Webpack 4 plugins (such as mini-css-extract-plugin) need this in order to work correctly.


This is the first thing you need to know about Aurelia app in Webpack. Whenever you reference a module by string, you need to use PLATFORM.moduleName("moduleName") to wrap the bare string. PLATFORM.moduleName is designed to teach Webpack about Aurelia's dynamic loading behavior.

  // src/resources/index.js
  // router config
  configureRouter(config, router) {
    this.router = router;
        route: '',
        name: 'home',
        title: 'Home'
        nav: true,
        moduleId: PLATFORM.moduleName('./home')


The PLATFORM.moduleName is processed by aurelia-webpack-plugin . The plugin is the magic piece that bridges Webpack with Aurelia's dynamic behavior.

Running the application

This section does not apply for ASP.NET JavascriptServices

Running an Aurelia-CLI Webpack application is simple: au run and you're on your way. But it's good to be aware of other flags that can be supplied to the au run command. au --help shows you all supported flags, but there are a couple that we would like to highlight.

If you're interested in Hot Module Reload, you can use the --hmr flag (e.g. au run --hmr) to launch in Hot Module Reload mode. Another cool one is au run --analyze which opens up the Webpack Bundler Analyzer, giving you a nice visualization of the bundle contents.

Let's now take a look at the platform section in aurelia.json:

  "platform": {
    "id": "web",
    "displayName": "Web",
    "port": 8080,
    "hmr": false,
    "open": false,
    "output": "dist"

Here you can find default settings for au run and au build. If you always run in Hot Module Reload mode, you can set hmr to true and you don't need to supply the --hmr flag any longer. Enabling the open option will cause the browser to navigate to the site after Webpack has finished bundling. The output option is used in the webpack.config.js file to determine where to output all the assets. If you're looking to change the default port that au run uses, you can change the port option in this section.

Simplified Webpack

Since aurelia-cli v1.1.0, webpack app has been simplified to use webpack command itself. Now webpack is decoupled from aurelia-cli's task file. For backwards compatibility, the au run and au build now simply run npm start and npm run build:dev, and all existing arguments continue to work (e.g. au run --env prod --open). You can check package.json scripts section for more details.

The environment file is now in config/ folder (not in aurelia_project/environments/ anymore) in JSON format. The environment is now handled by a webpack plugin app-settings-loader , you can check your local webpack.config.js file for more details.

This webpack simplification only applies to new apps. You can still use latest aurelia-cli on an existing webpack app with the old setup.

Deploying Your App

When your application is done, the next step is to deploy it. First, you will want to create a production build with au build --env prod. Depending on whether you use ASP.NET Core or not, the build output will end up in the dist folder or the wwwroot/dist folder.

If you're not using ASP.NET core then everything you need to deploy can be found in the dist folder. Just copy this to the webserver and you'll be good to go. For ASP.NET Core, however, you'll want to do a production build (au build --env prod) and then deploy the ASP.NET Core application. Details can be found in the Microsoft Docs .

Build options

When you look in the webpack.config.js you'll see that it exports a function:

  module.exports = ({production, server, extractCss, coverage} = {}) => ({

The configuration that's returned from the function is based on the parameters that get passed in. That means that you can have a different Webpack config for production and development, but you can also configure whether to extract any CSS.

The build and run tasks pass in these parameters. Most of these settings are defined in the build.options object in aurelia.json:

  "build": {
      "options": {
        "server": "dev",
        "extractCss": "prod",
        "coverage": false

One is missing though: production. The environment (whether it's a production build or not) is determined from the --env flag. au build creates a development build, while au build --env prod creates a production build.

Installing 3rd party dependencies

Webpack is a powerful and smart bundler, which means that you often don't need to configure a 3rd party dependency. And if you do then there's a good chance that someone has done it before, so Google is your friend here.

Check out the Webpack documentation for more info on the webpack.config.js.

Unit Testing

Depending on what you've selected during au new you will have the possibility to run one of the following test runners:

  • Jest
  • Karma
  • Protractor

Jest can be launched using au jest or au jest --watch if you would like to do continuously run tests.

Similarly, Karma can be started using au karma or au karma --watch.

However, Protractor is a bit different. It has to be started through nps, so make sure that you've installed that globally (npm install nps -g). Afterwards, run nps e2e to start Protractor.


When developing an ASP.NET Core application you will want to set the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT environment variable. Detailed instructions can be found on the Microsoft Docs .